全部作者:陈文俊 闫志恒 卢志
【中文摘要】 在室外宽范围温度环境运行情况下,通过对3HP空气源热泵机组采用变节流、增大换热器面积、压缩机补气增焓等三种手段进行低温制热量提升的详细的实验研究,指出三种不同的途径在改善空气源热泵系统低温制热量中的效果。实验结果表明,若把三种途径有机结合应用到空气源热泵系统中,可使一般的空调系统低温制热量有5%~15%的提升效果。 【英文摘要】 An experiment study was done on improving heating capacity of an air-source heat pump at low outdoor temperatures. The individual effect of three different measures on the enhancement of the heating capacity was analyzed, such as changing throttling, increasing heat exchanger area, and raising enthalpy by replenishing gas. The experiment results suggest that the heating capacity of the air-source heat pump system may increase by 5%-15% at low outdoor temperatures with the combination of the three measures. 【中文关键词】 热工学; 空气源热泵; 变节流; 补气增焓 【英文关键词】 Pyrology; Air-source heat pump; Change throttle; Increasing enthalpy by replenish gas
关键词:热工学 空气源热泵 变节流 补气
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