全部作者:邓云 朱立伟 罗文
【中文摘要】 可食性膜性质及其应用的研究是当今国际食品领域的研究热点之一,因安全、无毒、无污染而具备十分广阔的应用前景。文章阐述了可食性膜的组成和主要特性,分析了可食性膜在冷冻食品中的应用现状和意义,讨论了可食性膜在冷冻食品中应用存在的问题,并指出了该技术在冷冻食品领域中的相应对策。 【英文摘要】 Edible coating and film is a new highly safe and environmentally protective technology in the food industry, and it shows a great application prosperity. In this paper, the materials used and major functional properties of edible coatings and films are stated. The application status and advantages of edible coatings and films are presented. The existing application problems in the frozen food industry are analyzed. The further research on edible coatings and films in frozen food industry is suggested. 【中文关键词】 食品加工技术; 可食性膜; 冷冻食品 【英文关键词】 Food processing technology; Edible coatings and films; Frozen food
关键词:食品加工技术 可食性膜 冷冻食品
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