全部作者:任峰 石小雷
【中文摘要】 通过对滚动转子压缩机进行分析,提出用蒸发温度和冷凝温度的二元二次方程拟合压缩机的输入功率和制冷量,用MATLAB程序求出拟合系数。经实验初步验证,拟合计算结果与实验值基本吻合,证明拟合模型是可靠的。 【英文摘要】 Through analyzing the rolling piston type rotary compressor, builds performance fitted equations by inputting evaporating temperature, condensing temperature or evaporating pressure, condensing pressure to fit the input power and refrigerating output of compressor, which can be solved by MATLAB program. Compares performance calculations and the results with experimental data, which shows a reasonable agreement and verifies the reliability of the model and the calculating method. 【中文关键词】 滚动转子压缩机; 性能拟合方程; MATLAB; 制冷量; 蒸发温度; 冷凝温度 【英文关键词】 rolling piston type rotary compressor; performance fitted equations; MATLAB; cooling capacity; evaporating temperature; condensing temperature
关键词:滚动转子压缩机 性能拟合方程
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