【中文摘要】 低温辐射毛细管网空调末端采暖与制冷系统通过对空调潜热负荷和显热负荷的独立控制使室内更加舒适、宁静。该系统通过提高蒸发温度和降低冷凝温度提高压缩机的效率,并通过带冷冻源的转轮除湿机去除新风及室内湿负荷,从而达到节能。 【英文摘要】 By controlling latent heat load and sensible heat load independently the low temperature radiant capillary network AHU heating and cooling system can help to improve the indoor environment more comfortable and more serene. This system is more energy efficient by raising the efficiency of compressor through increasing evaporating temperature and reducing condensing temperature, and using a rotary dehumidifier with refrigeration equipment to remove the latent heat load in both fresh air and indoor air. 【中文关键词】 低温辐射毛细管网; 空调末端; 潜热; 显热; 节能 【英文关键词】 low temperature radiant capillary network; AHU; latent heat; sensible heat; energy conservation
关键词:暖通空调论文 低温辐射毛细管网
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