【中文摘要】 本文通过对两套采用微通道换热器的KFR-72LW空调器样机(1号机:室内外换热器均采用微通道换热器;2号机:室外机为微通道换热器,室内机为管翅式换热器),分别进行性能测试,对比分析采用微通道换热器与管翅式换热器的空调器性能差异。试验结果分析显示:微通道换热器空调器具有高效(强制冷性能)、减排(减少制冷剂充注量)、低成本(换热器小型化)等优点;但制热工况下,因室外机采用微通道换热器,换热面积大幅度减小,蒸发压力过低,导致制热效果不良、系统频繁除霜等问题,有待于进一步研究解决。 【英文摘要】 This paper presents the capability difference between two KFR-72LW air conditioners(No.1 unit with indoor and outdoor micro-channel heat exchangers and No.2 unit with indoor fin-tube heat exchanger and outdoor micro-channel heat exchanger)by testing the performance of both air conditioners. The test results show that the air conditioner with micro-channel heat exchanger is higher-efficiency, less refrigerant charge and lower cost .But due to the greatly reduction of the area of the outdoor micro-channel heat exchanger it have the deficiency of lower heating capacity and frequent defrosting cycle. These problems need to be concerned and solved. 【中文关键词】 微通道换热器; 管翅式换热器; 制冷性能; 制冷剂充注量; 高效 【英文关键词】 micro-channel heat exchangers; fin-tube heat exchanger; refrigerating performance; refrigerant charge; high-efficiency
关键词:暖通空调论文 微通道换热器 管翅
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