全部作者:宋春节 刘立芳 丁良
【摘要】 对单U和双U两种形式不同回填料的地埋管的大地有效导热系数进行现场测试。测试中,每个测孔保持流量不变,在测量时间(50h)相同的情况下,测试并分析地埋管单位埋深加热功率的变化对大地有效导热系数的影响。试验结果表明:无论是单U管还是双U管,单位埋深加热功率越大,导热系数也越大。 【Abstract】 Tests effective ground thermal conductivity of vertical ground heat exchanger under two forms(single U and double U) with different grouting materials in-situ,the flow rates keep invariant in the measurement for every borehole.Tests and analyzes the influence of the change of input heating power per unit depth vertical heat exchanger on the in-situ test for effective ground thermal conductivity under the same measuring duration(50 h).The results show that ground thermal conductivity both single U shaped and double U shaped increases with the increase of input heating power per unit depth for vertical heat exchanger. 【关键词】 地源热泵系统; 垂直地埋管; 大地导热系数; 单位埋深加热功率 【Key words】 GSHPs; vertical ground heat exchanger; ground thermal conductivity; input heating power per unit depth of vertical ground heat exchanger
关键词:暖通空调论文 地源热泵系统 垂直
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