【摘要】 高效和节能技术是空调用冷水机组的主要发展方向。本文论述了近年来变频技术在离心式压缩机冷水机组中的应用,包括大型变频离心式压缩机冷水机组和磁悬浮变频离心式压缩机冷水机组。这两种技术是当今世界上离心式压缩机冷水机组领域里最先进的技术。 【Abstract】 The high efficiency and energy saving technology are the main developing tendency in the water chiller of air conditioning.In this paper,the recent applications of inverter technology in centrifugal compressor water chillers are discussed,including large inverter centrifugal compressor water chillers and magnetic suspended inverter centrifugal compressor water chillers.In today's world,these two types of technology are the state of the art technologies in the area of centrifugal compressor water chillers. 【关键词】 冷水机组; 离心式压缩机; 变频 【Key words】 Water Chiller; Centrifugal Compressor; Inverter
关键词:冷水机组 离心式压缩机 变频
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