全部作者:朱钰娟1. 吴青昊1
摘 要: 相变蓄热材料(Phase Change Material,简称PCM)是一种密度大、体积小,相变潜热大,热量存储能力强的物质。本文试验研究复叠式蓄热型空气源热泵热水器蓄热和放热过程,探讨热泵系统循环和相变蓄热的耦合。结果表明,在蓄热过程中,系统功率不断上升,而机组的瞬时COP值缓慢下降,COP下降了13.8%;水箱中各点的温度变化的曲线斜率不相一致,说明水箱里的水存在较明显的分层现象。在放热过程中,蓄热材料温度变化拐点值比同高度的水温拐点值的出现慢2分钟,说明相变蓄热材料具有延时性。 关键词 :热泵热水器 复叠式 PCM 动态 Abstract: PCM (Phase Change Material) is the material that using few can store large energy, and has the property of big density ,small volume and large latent heat of fusion .The experimental investigation on the transient thermal behavior of cascade air source heat pump water heater with PCM has been presented. According to operating heat pump process and the water supply process, the experiment is aim to find out how the cascade heat pump work which combined with the PCM. The experimental results showed that in the operating process ,the capacity power was gradually increasing , while the transient coefficient of performance was dropping down to 13% .Furthermore, the temperature curve slope of each point in the water tank was different in the running process , which indicated that the stratification of the water tank existed obviously. In the water supply process,the turnover temperature of the PCM appeared two minutes later than the water temperature on the height , which indicates that the PCM has the features of time delay. Keywords : Heat pump water heater ; Cascade ; PCM ; Transient
关键词:热泵热水器 复叠式 PCM 动态
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