我要投稿论文 - 空调制冷


上传时间:2010-09-03 浏览量:25
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全部作者:辛天龙. 宛超 刘益 


摘 要: 本文分析了顺排和叉排方式排列的内融冰式蓄冷槽的传热过程,提出了相应的简化假设,并在此基础上建立了九管管束模型。通过对不同管径下不同排列方式的蓄冰槽内的传热特性的ANSYS模拟研究,得出管径对传热的蓄冰槽影响相对较小,U形管顺排一既可以简化布置方式,同时满足温度场均匀的要求。 关键词: 蓄冷槽;排列方式;传热特性;模拟 Heat Transfer Process Analysis On Ice Storage Tank Under Different Arrangement Xin Tianlong Wan Chao Liu Yicai Chen Kai Chen Siming Zhang Mingyan School of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China; Abstract : This paper analyzed the heat transfer process in the inside melting of ice storage tank which in along-arranged and cross-arranged. We proposed the corresponding simplified assumptions, and on this basis, established a nine bundle model. ANSYS simulation study was also studied on ice storage tank which in the different arrangement with the different pipe diameters. It obtained that diameter effect on heat transfer of ice-storage tank is relatively small, U-shaped tube can Simplify the layout and meet the requirements of uniform temperature field in addition. Keywords: ice storage tank; arrangement; heat transfer character; simulation

关键词:蓄冷槽 排列方式 传热特性 模拟 

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辛天龙. 宛超 刘益 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:蓄冷槽 排列方式 传热特性 模拟 


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