全部作者:郑立静 关志强 李敏
摘要】 以栉孔扇贝闭壳肌为实验材料,在冻干过程中采用两次变温和一次变压的过程参数调节法进行冻干实验,结果表明:第一次变温时的物料中心温度对冻干样品的复水率和能耗是有影响的,当物料中心温度为1℃时进行第一次变温调节,样品的复水率和复水速度最快,品质最好,且干燥能耗也最少。 【Abstract】 An experiment was conducted with the parameter adjustment of two-time poikilothermia and one-time variable pressure process during freezing and drying process for the adductor muscle of Chlamys Farreri.The result shows that the center temperature of the material would influence the rehydrate rate and the energy consumption of the freezing and drying sample when the temperature was changed at the first time.If the first temperature adjustment was performed,the sample rehydrate rate and the rehydrate speed of the sample would be highest,resulting in the optimum quality and the lowest dry energy consumption,when the material center temperature was 1℃. 【关键词】 食品加工技术; 栉孔扇贝; 变温; 变压; 残余水含量; 复水率; 能耗 【Key words】 Food processing technology; Chlamys Farreri; Mutative temperature; Transformation; Residual water content; Rehydration rate; Energy consumption
关键词:食品加工技术 栉孔扇贝 变温 变
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