全部作者:曹阳. 史厚丽 蒋传
摘 要: 为适应目前我国小型装配式冷库快速发展的需要,本文通过经济性分析,对这类冷库绝热层的最佳厚度进行了分析,并以徐州地区为例进行分析计算。结果显示,其厚度与冷库结构、大小无关,仅与原材料类型、原材料单价、电价、使用年限及冷库内外温差有关。本文还分析了徐州地区不同温差下,绝热层厚度与使用年限之间的关系。 关键词: 冷库绝热层 经济性厚度 使用年限 Economic Analysis of Fabricated small refrigerators insulation thickness Caoyang Chengchun Wujun Shihouli College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, CUMT, Xuzhou 221116 Abstract: To meet China's rapid development of small fabricated cold storage, this paper will give the most economically value of refrigerator insulation thickness through economic analyze, and then give the calculation of Xuzhou area as a example. The results showed that the thickness has no relation with the structure and size of cold storage refrigerator, only effect by the type of raw materials, the price of raw materials and electricity, the service life and the temperature difference between inside and outside of the refrigerator. This article also analyzes the relationship between the insulation thickness and service life of the refrigerator under different temperature in Xuzhou. Keywords :refrigerator insulation;Economic Analysis of thickness;service life 参考文献: [1] 刘斌,杨昭,谭晶莹,李喜宏.围护结构特性对微型冷库降温性能影响的研究[J].农业工程学报,2005.2. 第21 卷增刊. [2] 陈汝东,岳孝方编著. 制冷技术与应用[M]. 上海:同济大学出版社.1992.1. 第1版. [3] 陆亚俊,马最良,邹平华编著.暖通空调[M]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社. 2007.第2版. [4] 巩增友,刘斌,关文强,胡云峰,李喜宏.微型保鲜冷库的保温性能研究[J].天津农业科学,2003.6. 第9卷第2期 . [5] 李长富,安英爱.冷库围护结构绝热层厚度的计算[J].化工设计,2000.10 (5). [6] 张祉佑主编.制冷原理与设备[M].北京:机械工业出版社,1986.
关键词:冷库绝热层 经济性厚度 使用年限