全部作者:余洋 刘东 丁永青
【摘要】 本文以上海某卷烟厂为例,利用空调负荷软件DEST和上海地区标准年气象参数,分析了定风量空调系统24h全天运行时各个空调季节的新风节能潜力,并提出了冬季采取调节新回风比、过渡季节通过自控系统来利用新风,夏季按最小新风运行的新风控制策略,可为卷烟行业空调系统的设计和运行提供参考。该结论还适用于热湿负荷特性类似于卷烟厂车间的全天运行的空调建筑。 【Abstract】 This paper use DEST and standard weather data of shanghai to analyse the energy-saving potential of constant air volume system in cigarette factory which is operated in a whole day with a example in shanghai,and presents the control method of fresh air in different seasons,such as control the proportion between fresh air and return air in winter,control by automation system in transition season,use minimal fresh air in summer.This study can be consulted by air-conditioning systems in cigarette factories.The conclusion is also apply to the air condition building which is operated all day and have similar thermal-humidity load characteristic. 【关键词】 卷烟厂; 新风; 节能; 分区控制 【Key words】 cigarette factory; fresh air; energy conservation; divided-zone control
关键词:暖通空调论文 卷烟厂 新风 节能
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