胡文斌1,王飞2,刘丽娜2. (1 华南理工大学建筑设计研究院,广东省广州市,510640;2 华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东省广州市,510640) 摘要:本文介绍了建筑物理环境仿真技术的概念、内容和技术要点。结合华南理工大学建筑设计研究院近2 年的工程设计实例,对城市片区规划设计与室外风环境和热环境仿真、围护结构热工设计与建筑能耗分析以及室内空间设计与自然通风和自然采光分析的结合点进行了工程设计总结。在当前建筑设计日趋科学化和定量化的形势下,希望本文能在倡导并推动建筑物理环境仿真技术在设计中普及尽绵薄之力。 关键词:小区规划和设计、协同设计、建筑物理环境、计算机仿真 Application of Computer Simulation of Building Physical Environment in Designing HU Wenbin1,WangFei2,LiuLina2. (1.Architectural Design & Research Institute South China University of Technology , Guangzhou in Guangdong province,510640,china;2.School of Civil Engineering and Transportation South China University of Technology, Guangzhou in Guangdong province ,510640,china ) Abstract: Present the concept, content and importance of computer simulation of building physical environment. Based on projects that have been designed by Architectural Designing and Research Institute of South China Univ.of Tech in recent 2 years, the approaches of how to use computer simulation of building physical environment to aid designing in district planning, building envelope thermal designing and indoors space designing are displayed. The authors hope that this article can play active role in the promotion and application of computer simulation of building physical environment to aid designing. Keywords: district planning and designing, collaborated design, building physical environment, computer simulation
关键词:设计 实践 环境 物理 建筑
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