全部作者:汤成伟 刘道平 祁影
【中文关键词】 工程热物理; Einstein循环; 吸收制冷; 气泡泵; 性能分析; 【英文关键词】 Engineering thermophysics; Einstein cycle; Absorption refrigeration; Bubble pump; 【摘要】 单压吸收式Einstein循环制冷机中的细管径气泡泵是系统的主要驱动装置,作用在于提升发生器内的稀氨水工质至高位贮液器;气泡泵的最佳运行状态不是由提升管高度决定的,而是在很大程度上取决于沉浸比和泵管的内径尺寸参数。所以针对气泡泵的研究概况,工作原理以及在Einstein制冷循环中的运行机理做了简单的介绍,并根据气液两相流压降理论得出了固定提升效率下气泡泵内径、沉浸比和外部加热功率三者的性能关系曲线,为气泡泵的设计提供了数据参照。 【英文摘要】 A small diameter bubble pump is the main driving device in a single-pressure Einstein absorption refrigerator and its function is to lift the weak ammonia solution to the high reservoir in the generator.The best operation performance of the bubble pump is not determined by the riser height and depends on the immersion ratio and the diameter of the pump pipe.In this paper, the research progress of the bubble pump,its working principle,and its operation mechanism in the Einstein refrigeration cycle are briefl...
关键词:工程热物理 Einstein循环 吸收制
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