全部作者:鲍君香 公茂琼 吴剑
【摘要】 开展了全氟甲烷(R14)纯质池内核态沸腾换热特性的实验研究,测量了不同热流密度和不同系统压力下的R14纯质池内核态沸腾换热数据,分析了热流密度和压力对沸腾换热特性的影响。实验结果同现有的经验关联式的计算结果进行了比较,对不同压力下R14沸腾换热提出了不同的关联式,为混合工质节流制冷等相关领域提供基础数据。 【Abstract】 An experiment on the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer characteristics of pure tetrafluoromethane(R14) was conducted in this study.The heat transfer data of pure R14 at different heat fluxes and different system pressure were measured.The influences of heat flux and pressure on the nucleate pool boiling heat transfer were analyzed.The comparison between the experimental results and the existing correlations was performed and then three new correlations at different pressure were obtained by the regression of the experimental data. 【关键词】 工程热物理; 池内核态沸腾; 关联式; R14 【Key words】 Engineering thermophysics; Nucleate pool boiling; Correlation; Tetrafluoromethane
关键词:工程热物理 池内核态沸腾 关联式
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