全部作者:葛凤华 刘春菊 于秋
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:4
摘要 采用风速法和示踪气体衰减法实测了某居室的自然通风量。得到了不同窗孔开度下的窗孔流量系数,给出了窗孔流量系数与窗孔开度的关系曲线,分析了室内外空气温差对窗孔流量系数的影响。 关键词 居室 热压 自然通风 示踪气体衰减法 流量系数 Application of buoyancy-driven natural ventilation to residential rooms By Ge Fenghua,Liu Chunju,Yu Qiusheng and Li Mingzhu Abstract Tests the natural ventilation rate in a certain room with the air velocity measuring method and the tracer gas decay method. Obtains the flow rate coefficients under different window opening angles, gives the curves for relationship between the opening flow rate coefficient and the window opening angle, and analyses the influence of temperature differences between indoor and outdoor on the opening flow rate coefficient. Keywords residential room, stack effect pressure, natural ventilation, tracer gas decay method, flow rate coefficient
关键词:居室 热压 自然通风 示踪气体
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