文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:1996 期数:3
【英文篇名】 Rational selection of fan-coil units 【作者中文名】 刘宗源; 【作者英文名】 By Liu Zongyan; 【作者单位】 北京青云航空仪表(有限)公司; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 实际风量; 逆风温差; 换气次数; 【英文关键词】 fan-coilunit; actual air volume; supply air temperaturedifference; air changes; 【摘要】 按冷负荷选用风机盘管,往往不能取得令人满意的空调效果;必须注意选择有一定机外静压和风量、焓差合适的机组,以保证必要的送风温差和换气次数。国产风机盘管只有走出高冷。低噪、小风量、焓差单一的发展误区,才能真正缩小与国际先进水平之间的差距。 【英文摘要】 Points Out that specifying a fan-cotllunit on ly bssed onthe cool lug load often results in unsatisfactory effects of aircond itioning, that due attention should be paid on the performsnceproperties of surplus pressure st the Outlet, supply al r volume andspecific enthalpy difference in al r handl ing of the unit so as to ensureappropriate supply air temperature d ifference and air changes, andthat domestic products should be advanced through l if ting the surpluspressure and the supply air volume and with...
关键词:选用 合理 air the of 英文
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