我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 设备开发


上传时间:2010-01-15 浏览量:46
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全部作者:卢振 李志勇 张吉礼 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:11

摘要: 分析和计算了程控机房间接利用室外冷源的关键设备空气冷却器的热工特性。结果显示,空气冷却器填料厚度越大,总换热量越大;淋水初温越低,相同换热量下的填料厚度越小;冷水温度每降低1 ℃所能减小的填料厚度仅为5 cm,相比于提高冷水进口温度经济效益不明显,一般可确定13 ℃为冷水进口温度。 关键词: 室外冷源 空气冷却器 规则纸填料 热工特性 Thermal characteristic analysis of regular stuffing spray air coolers By Lu Zhen★, Li Zhiyong and Zhang Jili Abstract Analyses and calculates the thermal characteristics of the key equipmentair cooler for indirect free cooling tower used in communication rooms. The results show that the more stuffing height is, the more total heat exchange is, the less spray water temperature is, the less stuffing height is under the same heat exchange. When the temperature of cold water is decreased by 1 ℃, the stuffing height is decreased by merely 5 cm and it is not very significant compared with increased cold water temperature, and the inlet cold water temperature generally is determined as 13 ℃. Keywords outdoor cold source, air cooler, regular stuffing, thermal characteristic ★Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China

关键词:室外冷源 空气冷却器 规则纸填料 

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卢振 李志勇 张吉礼 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:室外冷源 空气冷却器 规则纸填料 


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