文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2003 期数:1
蒸汽供热管道局部压力损失计算 【英文篇名】 Calculation of local pressure loss in steam heating pipes 【作者中文名】 姜永顺; 【作者英文名】 By Jiang Yongshun ★; 【作者单位】 长安大学; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, Hv 水力计算; 局部压力损失; 密度; 【英文关键词】 steam heating pipe; hydraulic calculation; local pressure loss; density; 【摘要】 对饱和蒸汽供热管道常用压力范围进行设定以简化蒸汽密度计算 ,给出了与沿程压力损失计算法配套的局部压力损失计算式 ,使压力损失计算法更加完整 ,可以更好地解决蒸汽供热管道水力计算问题。 【英文摘要】 Based on simplified density calculation of saturated steam heating pipes by setting up the range of pressure commonly used, derives the formulas for local loss in steam heating systems that is consistent with the calculation of friction loss in steam heating pipes to better solve the hydraulic calculation problem of steam of steam heating pipes.
关键词:损失 计算 压力 局部 管道
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