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上传时间:2010-02-22 浏览量:357
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全部作者:王建奎 陆 麟 曾宪 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:1

摘要 通过对全面通风方程的分析,对实测数据和计算数据进行比较,验证了全面通风方程用于求解室内含湿量的正确性。并将此方程应用于温湿度独立控制系统最小新风量的求解中,通过引入预除湿时间,解决了原有最小新风量求解方法的不足。通过数据比较,分析了预除湿时间以及送风含湿量对最小新风量的影响,认为只有综合考虑最小新风量、预除湿时间及送风含湿量才能实现温湿度独立控制系统的优化设计。 关键词 全面通风方程 温湿度独立控制 预除湿时间 最小新风量 Calculation method of minimum fresh air rate for temperature and humidity independent control system By Wang Jiankui★ , Lu Lin and Zeng Xianchun Abstract Based on the analysis of general ventilation equation and comparison of measured and calculation data, verifies the correctness of the equation applied to calculation of indoor humidity ratio. Applies the equation to calculation of minimum fresh air rate for temperature and humidity independent control system. By introducing a new design parameter of pre-dehumidification time,remedies the deficiency in the original calculation method of minimum fresh air rate. Through the data comparison, analyses the impact of pre-dehumidification time and supply air humidity ratio on the minimum fresh air rate. Considers that can the optimal design of temperature and humidity independent control system be achieved only by an overall consideration of minimum fresh air volume, pre-dehumidification time and supply air humidity ratio. Keywords general ventilation equation, temperature and humidity independent control system, pre-dehumidification time, minimum fresh air rate ★ Zhejiang Academy of Building Research & Design Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, China

关键词:全面通风方程 温湿度独立控制  

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王建奎 陆 麟 曾宪 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:全面通风方程 温湿度独立控制  


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