全部作者:詹园青 荣文涛
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:3
摘要: 针对天津滨海国际机场二期工程能源中心的实施方案,对水蓄冷空调系统方案作了详细的可行性分析及特点论述。结合常规空调系统进行了经济性分析和比较,并探讨了蓄能式空调技术的发展潜力。 关键词 :航站楼 蓄能式空调系统 移峰填谷 经济性分析 Air conditioning cold source analysis for large public buildings By Zhan Yuanqing★ and Rong Wentao Abstract Analyses the feasibility and features of the chilled water storage system in the implemented scheme of the energy center for the second phase of Tianjin Airport. Compares with the conventional air conditioning system in economics and discusses the development potential of the energy storage air conditioning system. Keywords terminal, energy storage air conditioning system, peak load shifting, economic analysis ★ China Airport Construction Group Corporation of CAAC Planning & Design Institute, Beijing, China
关键词:航站楼 蓄能式空调系统 移峰填
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