文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:4
摘要 以某机场航站楼空调冷(热)源设计为例,论述了水蓄能空调系统的工艺流程、运行策略及各种工况的控制方式,总结了该系统的设计特点。 关键词 航站楼 蓄能空调 自然分层式水蓄能罐 运行模式 设计特点 Design example of water thermal storage air conditioning syste ms By Zhan Yuanqing Abstract Based on the cold and heat source design of the airport terminal buildings, analyses the technological processes, operation strategies, and controlling measures for different conditions, and summaries the general design characteristics of the water storage air conditioning system. Keywords terminal building, energy storage air conditioning system, natural stratified water storage tank, operation mode, design characteristic
关键词:航站楼 蓄能空调 自然分层式水蓄
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