文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:1996 期数:2
卧式风机盘管机组舒适性能的评价 【英文篇名】 Comfort evaluation of fan-coil units 【作者中文名】 宋宏光; 【作者英文名】 By song Hongguang; 【作者单位】 航天建筑设计研究院咨询部; 【文献出处】 暖通空调, HV 舒适条件; 空气分布; “吹风感”; 【英文关键词】 fan-coil unit; comfort condition; air distrubution; draft; 【摘要】 阐述了卧式风机盘管机组在舒适性能方面的问题及其产生的原因,运用常规的计算方法,获得了风机盘管机组的气流运动轨迹、温度和速度衰减。分析结果表明,该机组的大逆风温差及低流速,导致使用区内强烈“吹风感”,远不能满足舒适条件。开发一种全新的风机盘管机组是非常必要的。 【英文摘要】 Reveals problems and their causes in comfort performance of horizontal fan-coil units widely used in air conditioning practice, by doing coonventional calculation obtains the airstream locus and attenuation in temperature and velocity from the fan-coil unit. The results shows that a strong" draft" occures in the occupied area because of the hisher temperature difference and lower airflow rate with the fan-coil unit. Expects necessity of developing a new type fancoil unit.
关键词:评价 性能 舒适 风机 the
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