我要投稿《暖通空调》论文 - 专题研讨


上传时间:2010-07-21 浏览量:300
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全部作者:魏新利 曾章传 卢纪富 

文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:7

摘要 建立了以制冷剂为热媒的空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖系统实验平台,对空气源热泵运行特性、供暖效果及影响因素、经济性进行了实验研究和分析。结果表明,地板盘管进出口温度、进出口温差均比较稳定;在郑州地区冬季条件下,地板辐射供暖地表温度达到26.5 ℃,室内温度维持在21.8 ℃,完全满足室内供暖设计要求;空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖预热时间短,约为80 min;建筑围护结构的保温性能、窗墙比、地板盘管的管间距等是影响地板辐射供暖的重要因素;空气源热泵直接地板辐射供暖系统具有较好的经济效益和环保效益。 关键词 空气源热泵 直接地板辐射供暖 运行特性 经济性 Experiment of direct radiant floor heating system with air-source heat pump By Wei Xinli, Zeng Zhangchuan, Lu Jifu, Wu Jinjing and Wei Zongdi Abstract Develops a test platform for this system using refrigerant as direct heating medium and studies the operation performance, heating effect and its influencing factors, and economic rationality of the air-source heat pump. The results show that the inlet and outlet refrigerant temperature of the floor pipes and temperature difference keep stable; the floor surface temperature and indoor air temperature maintains at 26.5 ℃ and 21.8 ℃ respectively in Zhengzhous winter conditions, satisfactorily meeting the requirements of indoor thermal comfort; preheating time of this system is as short as about 80 minutes; the thermal insulation performance of building envelope, window?wall ratio and pipe spacing are important influencing factors of radiant floor heating effect; this system has better economic and environmental benefits. Keywords air-source heat pump, direct radiant floor heating, operation performance, economic rationality

关键词:空气源热泵 直接地板辐射供暖  

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魏新利 曾章传 卢纪富 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:空气源热泵 直接地板辐射供暖  


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