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文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2009 期数:10

摘要: 自2008年11月1620日多哈蒙特利尔议定书缔约方第20次会议以来,按照第XX/7与第XX/8号决定,TEAP专家们完成并提出了三项研究报告,臭氧秘书处筹组召开了两个国际研讨会,各缔约方积极提出了许多建议,密克罗尼西亚联邦政府与毛里求斯提出了修正蒙特利尔议定书的联合提案。2009年7月15-18日在日内瓦举行的不限名额工作组第29次会议上,各缔约方代表、各国际机构代表、各非政府环保组织代表及有关跨国公司代表就ODS库存管理与销毁、逐步削减高GWP值HFC的使用以及对蒙特利尔议定书的修正提案进行了卓有成效的讨论,达成了新的共识。详细且较全面地介绍了半年多来国际政策的研讨与制订过程,并提供了详细文献来源。 关键词 :ODS库存 逐步削减 HFC 蒙特利尔议定书 保护臭氧与气候利益 Latest progress in discussion and development of international policy for innocent managing and destruction of ODS banks and phase down of HFCs By Wang Xunchang★ Abstract Since the 20th meeting of the parties to the Montreal Protocol in Doha at 16-20 November 2008, by decision XX/7 and XX/8, TEAPs experts have completed and puts forward three study reports, the Ozone Secretariat has organized and convened two international workshops, the parties also have enthusiastically presented many advices, the governments of the Federated States of Micronesia and Mauritius submitted joint proposal to amend the Montreal Protocol. At the 29th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, held in Geneva at 15-18 July 2009, the representatives made effective discussion on managing and destruction of ODS banks and phase down of HFCs, proposed amendment to the Montreal Protocol, and reached some new agreement. Presents the discussion and development of international policy in the past months and provides all literature sources of quoted material. Keywords ODS bank, phase down, HFCs, the Montreal Protocol, ozone protection and climate benefit ★ China Academy of Building Research, Beijing, China

关键词:ODS库存 逐步削减 HFC 蒙特利尔 

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汪训昌 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:ODS库存 逐步削减 HFC 蒙特利尔 


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