文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:5
摘要 结合某工程,采用送风区域内的竖向温度分布代替工作区的温度分布,根据PMV-PPD指标和PD指标要求,得到满足人体热舒适性要求的冬季地板送风速度和送风温差;并计算了该系统的通风效率,结果显示优于传统的混合通风方式。 关键词 地板送风 冬季 送风速度 送风温差 PMV-PPD PD 通风效率 Study of underfloor air distribution parameters in winter By Guo Haichao Abstract With a project, using the vertical temperature distribution in the core air supply zone to substitute that in the occupied zone, considering the PMV-PPD and PD, acquires the supply air velocity and temperature difference which can meet expectation of thermal comfort. Calculates the ventilation efficiency, the result showing that it is superior to that of conventional mixing ventilation mode. Keywords underfloor air distribution, winter, supply air velocity, supply air temperature difference, PMV-PPD, PD, ventilation efficiency
关键词:暖通空调论文 地板送风 冬季 送
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