全部作者:李百公 王红朝 宋孝
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:6
摘要 详细介绍了该工程空调系统的冷源方案设计。通过调研国内几个机场制冷主机容量配置及运行数据,分析、估算了峰值负荷及逐时负荷;从可用能源入手,对几种空调系统冷源方案进行了技术经济比较,最终得出采用水蓄冷的结论,并给出了制冷主机与蓄冷水罐的选型建议。 关键词 冷负荷 冰蓄冷 水蓄冷 技术经济比较 Design of cold source of central air conditioning for Terminal 3 building of Shenzhen Baoan International Airport By Li Baigong, Wang Hongchao, Song Xiaochun, Lu Jianqing, Zhu Jingen and He Zhihao Abstract Presents in detail the cold source design of this project. Based on the capability and operating data of the main refrigerating machines of several domestic airport projects,analyses and evaluates the peak and hourly load. Considering the available energy, adopts the water storage scheme by technical and economical comparison of several cold source schemes, and offers proposals of selecting refrigerating machine and water storage tanks. Keywords cold load, ice storage, water storage, technical and economical comparison
关键词:暖通空调论文 冷负荷 冰蓄冷 水
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