全部作者:高志强 谷伟新 何
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:6
摘要 通过对漕河泾现代服务业集聚区二期工程能源中心设计的介绍,阐述了在多幢建筑群项目中以外融冰蓄冷系统为核心技术的设计思路,以及系统设计及应用中的要点和方法,以期为业内同行提供借鉴及参考。 关键词 能源中心 区域供冷 冰蓄冷 外融冰 Design and application of energy centre utilizing external-melt ice storage system By Gao Zhiqiang, Gu Weixin, He Yan, Shou Weiwei, Zhu Nanjun and Bian Zhimei Abstract Through the presentation of energy centre design in Caohejing Modern Service District II project, explains the design ideas of utilizing external-melt ice storage as core technology in the building groups, and describes the main points of principle on system design, in expectation of providing references for industry colleagues. Keywords energy center, district cooling, ice storage, external-melt ice
关键词:暖通空调论文 能源中心 区域供冷
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