【摘要】 开利19DH410型号离心式冷水机组,因出现油压偏低,而不能正常工作。根据故障分析,是由于油过滤器的脏堵,而导致油压偏低,使油压控制器动作,主机关闭,通过清洗油过滤器,油压正常,达到原设计要求,机组运转正常。 【Abstract】 Carrier 19DH410 cool water generating unit of centifugal machine doesn't work as usual because of low oil pressure after analyzing the obstacle,we know the reason is that the dirt in the filters result in low oil pressure which controls the machine when we wash the filters,oil pressure becomes normal,and meet the demand,the generating unit works well again. 【关键词】 离心机; 冷水机组; 油压; 偏低; 排除 【Key words】 centrifugal machine; cool water generating unit; low oil pressure; low; exclusion
关键词:离心机 冷水机组 油压 偏低 排除
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