全部作者:于连广 吴喜平 彭博
【中文摘要】 目前在工程实践中需要一种简单而又准确的活塞流计算方法。本文分析了隧道列车活塞风特性,在隧道流体场中引入了宏观动量守恒定律,建立了一种新型非恒定流活塞风一维解析方程,修正了常规一维解析方程物理意义不明确的缺陷。利用常规方法和新型方法分别对同一个工况进行求解,并将所得结果与实测值进行对比。结果表明新型活塞风解析方法具有较高的精度。 【英文摘要】 A simpler but more precise calculation method for piston fluid is now in great demand in engineering practice.A new one-dimensional analytic equation for unsteady piston wind flow was established based on the analysis of piston wind by tunnel train and consideration of macro momentum conservation law in the tunnel fluid,which modified the physical obscurity of conventional equation.The new and convention methods were used respectively to solve the piston fluid field of the same tunnels,and the solved results were compared with the actual measurements.Thus,the new analytic solution has a higher precision than the conventional one. 【中文关键词】 活塞风; 数值模拟; 流体力学解析解; 隧道通风 【英文关键词】 piston wind; CFD; analytical solution of hydrodynamics; tunnel ventilation
关键词:活塞风 数值模拟 流体力学解析解
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