【中文摘要】 总结了室内恒温泳池项目的热湿计算公式,简化了泳池区蒸发量的计算公式;同时通过对不同地区热湿计算的比较,指出了室内恒温泳池类项目的节能要点和计算方法。 【英文摘要】 The formulas for calculating the thermal and humid load of the indoor constant-temperature natatorium were summarized.The formula for calculating the pool water evaporation was deduced.By comparing the different calculation methods of thermal and humid load in different areas,calculation method and main points for energy saving of indoor constant-temperature natatorium were pointed out. 【中文关键词】 游泳馆; 设计参数; 蒸发; 潜热负荷; 节能 【英文关键词】 swimming natatorium; design parameter; evaporation; latent heat load; energy saving
关键词:游泳馆 设计参数 蒸发 潜热负荷
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