全部作者:朱喆 朱学锦
【中文摘要】 本文阐述了一次变频泵变水流量系统的概念,将它与传统的一、二次变频泵变水流量系统作了比较,并结合工程实例说明系统设计需关注的方面。 【英文摘要】 The concept of the variable primary flow chilled water system(VPF)and the comparing between VPF system and P-S system(constant primary flow/variable seondary flow chilled water system)have been expounede.With the introduction of the chilled water system design of a bank,several key factors,which influence the success of a VPF system,have been mentioned. 【中文关键词】 一次变频泵变水流量系统; 一、二次变频泵变水流量系统; 系统控制 【英文关键词】 varibale primary flow chilled water system-VPF system; constant primary flow/variable secondary flow chilled water systemP-S system; system control
关键词:暖通空调论文 一次变频泵变水流
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