我要投稿论文 - 空调制冷


上传时间:2010-08-26 浏览量:111
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全部作者:杨亮 张春路 


摘 要: 在超市空调和冷藏冷冻系统之间增加过冷器,可以达到节能的效果。其原理是通过让能效比较高的系统产生较多的制冷量来减少能效比较低的系统的功耗。两者因能效比差使得产生同样制冷量所需的功耗下降。过冷器可以被放置于高温空调系统和中温冷藏系统之间、高温空调系统和低温冷冻系统之间、以及和中温冷藏系统和低温冷冻系统之间。本文通过数值模拟方法,对过冷器放置的各种组合方式的节能潜力进行了详细分析。分析过程中考虑了负荷比、能效比、运行时间等因素的影响。最后,给出了添加过冷器的最优顺序。 关键词: 超市;空调;冷藏;冷冻;节能;过冷器;模型 Analysis On Energy Saving Potential Of Integrated Supermarket Hvac And Refrigeration Systems Using Multiple Subcoolers Yang Liang1,2 Zhang Chunlu3 1Tongji University, 2Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 3Carrier China Rnbsp; Abstract: he paper presents a model-based analysis on the energy saving potential of supermarket HVAC and refrigeration systems using multiple subcoolers among high-temperature HVAC system, medium-temperature refrigeration system, and low-temperature refrigeration system. The principle of energy reduction is to have the higher COP system generate more cooling capacity to increase the cooling capacity or reduce the power consumption of the lower COP system. The subcooler could be placed between medium-temperature and low-temperature systems, between high-temperature and medium-temperature systems, and between high- temperature and low-temperature systems. All integration scenarios of adding one, two and three subcoolers have been investigated. The energy saving otential varies with the load ratio between high-, medium- and low-temperature systems, COP of three systems, and on-off duty time of HVAC system. The optimal sequence of adding subcoolers is also proposed Keywords : Supermarket; HVAC; Refrigeration; Energy saving; Subcooler; Model

关键词:超市 空调 冷藏 冷冻 节能 过冷 

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杨亮 张春路 发表的论文

与本论文相关的论文:超市 空调 冷藏 冷冻 节能 过冷 


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