【中文摘要】 叙述了高层建筑地下变电所、柴油发电机房和地下车库的通风及排烟的设计现状、存在问题和整体整改措施及建议等,可供暖通专业人员设计参考。 【英文摘要】 Article describes the high-rise building underground substations, diesel generator room and underground garage the design of ventilation and smoke the status quo, existing problems and the overall improvement measures and the final proposals for HVAC professionals in design. 【中文关键词】 地下电气控制室; 地下车库; 柴油发电机房; 通风及排烟设计; 换气次数; 防烟分区 【英文关键词】 Underground electrical control room; underground garage; diesel generator room; ventilation and smoke exhaust design; ventilation frequency; smoke control partition
关键词:暖通空调论文 地下电气控制室
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