全部作者:肖文静 马笑棣 连小
【中文摘要】 采暖室外计算温度的合理确定直接影响采暖设计热负荷的计算准确度,进而影响暖系统的热舒适性、能耗及投资情况。采用更接近实际情况的室外计算温度,会提高建筑节能分析研究、设计和运行的精确度,有利于促进建筑节能技术的发展。在分析石家庄冬季气温变化特点及发展趋势的基础上,比较现行国家规范GB50172-93《民用建筑热工设计规范》和河北省DB13(J)63-2007《居住建筑节能设计标准》分别给出的石家庄采暖室外计算温度参数,并与2007、2008年度采暖期室外温度实际情况进行一致性对比分析。结果表明,河北省DB13(J)63-2007《居住建筑节能设计标准》提供的石家庄采暖室外计算温度更为接近当前的实际情况,更有利于提高建筑节能设计质量。 【英文摘要】 The value of outdoor computational temperature during heating period influences correctness of design load for heating,and that influences thermal comfort of heating system,energy consumption and building investment.Thus,a rational value approaching fact will advance correctness of building energy efficiency analysis,design,and operating to aid the progress of technology for building energy efficiency.Based on the changing characteristic and developing trend of outdoor air temperature in winter of Shijiazhuang city,the value of outdoor computational temperature during heating period for Shijiazhuang from GB50176-93 Thermal design code for civil building was compared with that from DB13(J)63-2007 Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildings for Hebei Province,then was compared respectively with the actual outdoor air temperature during 2007 and 2008 heating seasons.The result shows that the value from the latter is more approaching to fact and enable more accurate calc...更多ulation of building energy design in favor of improving design quality. 还原 【中文关键词】 采暖室外计算温度; 气候变化; 石家庄 【英文关键词】 outdoor computational temperature during heating period; changing outdoor air temperature; Shijiazhuang city
关键词:采暖室外计算温度 气候变化
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