【摘要】 从目前全球气候变化与制冷剂应用的关系角度,简述了制冷剂以及其特性,指出现行制冷剂在温室效应及臭氧层破坏方面对气候变化的影响。介绍了当前在寻求环保制冷剂替代工作的进展情况,分析了环保制冷剂所必备的条件,在制冷剂的替代方面给出建议。 【Abstract】 Judging from the current global climate change and the relationship between the angle of refrigerant application, a summary of refrigerants and their properties, stated that the existing refrigerant in the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion to climate change. Describes the current in the search for environmentally friendly refrigerants for the progress of the analysis of environmental protection refrigerant necessary conditions, given the choice of refrigerant recommendations. 【关键词】 全球气候变化; 制冷剂; 温室效应; 臭氧层破坏 【Key words】 Global climate; Change refrigerant; Greenhouse effect; Ozone depletion
关键词:暖通空调论文 全球气候变化 制冷
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