全部作者:张春蕾 肖晓劲 丁琦
文献出处:《暖通空调》 年份:2010 期数:7
摘要 为克服供暖系统的热力失调状况,国内目前采用大流量小温差的运行方式,特别是用户侧实际的循环流量均大于需求值。以某小区供暖系统为模型,得出了质量流量调节(质量双调)的规律,通过理论计算与实际调试分析得出质量双调经济性较好。 关键词 质调节 质-量双调 热力失调 Technical and economic analysis of constant flow control and constant-variable flow control for heating systems By Zhang Chunlei, Xiao Xiaojin, Ding Qi, Zhang Lanshuang and Wei Wei Abstract To avoid thermal misadjustment, large flow with small temperature difference mode is often adopted in operation practice, and the actual flow rate is usually higher than needed, especially in the user side of the system. Taking the heating system of a district as a model, works out a constant-variable flow control method and concludes that this method is more economical than constant flow control by theoretical calculation and actual testing. Keywords constant flow control, constant-variable flow control, thermal misadjustment
关键词:质调节 质-量双调 热力失调
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