全部作者:王远鹏 徐荣吉 林明峰
【英文篇名】 Numerical simulation on the performance of adiabatic capillary tubes with R134a refrigerant 【作者中文名】 王远鹏; 徐荣吉; 林明峰; 【作者英文名】 Wang yuanpeng Xu rongji Lin mingfeng(Institute of Cryogenic engineering; Xi`an Jiaotong University; Xi`an 710049); 【作者单位】 西安交通大学制冷与低温工程系; 西安交通大学制冷与低温工程系 西安; 【文献出处】 制冷与空调(四川), Refrigeration nbsp; 期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊 【关键词】 毛细管; 数值模拟; 分布参数模型; 【英文关键词】 Adiabatic capillary tube; Numerical simulation; distributed parameter model; 【摘要】 根据均相流等多项假设,运用两相流动基本方程建立了绝热毛细管分布参数的稳态数学模型。模型中分别利用了常用的2种计算沿程摩阻系数方法(Churchill关联式、Jung等人推荐工质为R22的摩阻系数关联式),模拟结果表明用这2种方法来模拟均能获得较高精度,但工质为R134a时优先考虑前者,因此在模拟毛细管时不同工质有不同的最佳摩阻系数关联式。 【英文摘要】 According to homogeneous assumption,based on the fundamental governing of two-phase flow,a distributed parameter model of adiabatic capillary tube was developed in this paper.Two kinds of mostly used friction coefficient were applied.One was Churchill formula and the other was recommended in the simulation of adiabatic capillary tube with R22 by Jung.The simulation results showed that these two methods had a good agreement with the experimental outcome,but we had better choose the former one when the refrig...
关键词:毛细管 数值模拟 分布参数模型
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